Friday, March 22, 2013

FRIDAY 22nd _ WORKSHOP Final Session: Proposals

The mixed international student groups rounded up the proposals in each of the five strategic themes prioritized by community leaders. The proposals suggested diverse strategies to address the challenges and assets of the local community in comuna 8 in order to produce an alternative model of intervention of the green belt project. The results of the workshop become the inputs for the UC and UNAL students to refine and further develop specific projects and their management strategies. 


Group 1: Risk Management

Group 2: Access to affordable public utilities
Group 3: Generation of income sources and food security
Group 4: Promote integral barrio upgrading

Thursday, March 21, 2013

THURSDAY 21st _ MEETINGS: Urban Development Enterprise (EDU)

Urban Development Enterprise (EDU)

The EDU concentrated its intervention in the short term public project of the perimetric garden as a part of the metropolitan green belt. The discussion spin around the general management scheme and the feasibility of a containment territorial strategy based on the current proposal. Moreover, the central questions pointed the limitations of community involvement in the current project.

THURSDAY 21st _ WORKSHOP Session 3: Scenarios

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WEDNESDAY 20th _ MEETINGS: Metropolitan Area Planning Office & Medellin Administrative Planning Department (DAP)

Valle de Aburra Metropolitan Area (AMVA)
Municipal Planning Department (DAP)


The Metropolitan area, as the local environmental authority, framed the green belt as a long term strategy of environmental protection of the strategic protection of ecological networks. The strategy is structured in three levels: a) the strips of strict preservation of environmental services sites (zero order watersheds), b) the strips of urban-rural transition (areas of land market pressures and mining activities), and c) the transversal connections of water systems. Besides, AMVA presented the pilot projects of metropolitan parks embedded in the green belt strategy as a way to connect urban areas with natural surroundings. On the other hand, the Planning Department presented the role of the strategic urban projects in the review process of the general territorial plan (POT). The focus of the discussion was the border typologies and the premises to intervene the green belt pilot projects.

WEDNESDAY 20th _ WORKSHOP Session 2: Brainstorming

In this session each thematic group was asked to present alternative strategies from a multidimensional approach

Thematic groups:

Dimension of analysis:
1. Political: Legal (Actors-power dynamics - tension – potential)
2. Economic: Productive (Interdependence urban socio-productive)
3. Environmental: Landscape (restrictions on development-preservation potential)
4. Physical: urban physical space (articulation - public systems - living conditions)
5. Socio-cultural:  (imaginary - invisible borders - conflicts and population dynamics)

Pin Up Session:

Group 1: Risk Management

Group 5: Public-Community Partnership

Pictures available at

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TUESDAY 19th _ WORKSHOP Session 1: Students Presentations

Students Presentations: This workshop session will be focused on presenting previous work done by students from each university. This work will mainly present the territorial analysis students have developed previously to this International Studio. 

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
1. Urban - Rural Border in the locality of Usme, Bogotá
Oscar Vaca, student of Master in Habitat.

2. Urban Edge on the eastern hills of Bogotá Localidad San Cristóbal
Camila Carreño & Sebastian Mateus, Students Graduate Programme of Architecture

Master in Urban Planning, GSAPP, Columbia University, New York City
1. Growth management in Medellin, Colombia: Negotiating stronger public-private-community partnerships in barrio upgrading
Lissa Barrows, Roger Bu, Ellis Calvin, Anne Krassner, Natalie Quinn, Jet Richardson, Gillian Sollenberger. Prof. Clara Irazábal. T.A. Nicole Buchholz

Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture, International University of Catalunya, Barcelona
1. Medellín: Growth and Risk Plan
Shareen Elnaschie, Benja Monrabal, Kimberly Pelkofsky, Nataly Raab, Tara Whelan
2. Transformin Medellín
Allison Koornneef, Ryan Matthews
3. CM + Medellín
Giselle Sebag, Diana Martínez

Master in Urban and Regional Planning, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín
1. Conceptualzation, Characterization and Proposal 
Juan Pablo Vallejo, Natalie Montoya, José Valencia, Alejandro Botero, Alejandro González, Carolina Ledesma, Diego Salas, Jenny Sepúlveda, Sandra Ríos, Alba Siguencia, Luis Ángel, Camilo Guarín, Jaime Moreno, Carlos Velásquez, Hamlet Valencia, Diego Zapata

Pictures available at


Workshop Approach
By understanding three different narratives this approach aims to focus on providing the path to develop strategies for delivering specific projects or achieve particular objectives through the exploration of new roles and consensus in a public – community partnership.

Illustration 1 Approach to build up a common ground

  • The intervention requires guaranteeing the inhabitants permanence in the territory
  • Any intervention or process involves the generation of agreements with the local communities and its organizations.
  • The intervention in the metropolitan border is only one component of policy of growth management (multiscale and multidimenctional)  

Illustration 2 Participatory management Model[1]

Outlined from the proposals established by the Planning and Management Council of Commune 8 (CPG):

  1. Risk management (gestión del riesgo)
  2. Access to affrodable public utilities (acsequiblilidad a servicios públicos)
  3. Generation of income sources and food security (livelihoods and exchange capabilities) (Generación de ingresos, capacidad de intercambio y seguridad alimentaria)
  4. Promote Integral Barrio Upgrading -habitat and housing, public space, mobility and public facilities (Promoción de mejoramiento integral de barrios)
  5. Implement a public – community partnership management scheme (Implementación de un esquema de gestión de asociación póblico comunitario)

Workshop Methodology
  1. SESSION 1: Tuesday 19th: Students presentation & Groups organization
Urban borders in Bogotá

  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

Comuna 8 Case of study: Territorial analysis and characterization, approaches and proposal.

  • Columbia University
  • International University of Catalunya
  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín
Table 2 Groups organization

  1. SESSION 2: Wednesday 20th: Brainstorming
Brainstorming alternative strategies in each theme from a multidimensional approach

Considering the following dimensions

Political Dimension: Legal (Actors-power dynamics - tension - potential)

  • Institutional state
  • Legislative framework
  • Land tenure
  • Real Estate Management
Economic Dimension: Productive (Interdependence urban socio-productive)

  • Production systems
  • Employment and income
  • Informal land market and housing

Environmental Dimension: Landscape (restrictions on development-preservation potential)

  • Ecological Network and landscape units
  • Threats and risk
  • SDP

Physical Dimension: urban physical space (articulation - public systems - living conditions)

  • Morphology and processes of urban structure
  • Structuring Systems (mobility)
  • Structuring Systems (public Space and equipment)
  • Housing and population dynamics
Socio-cultural dimension:  (imaginary - invisible borders - conflicts and population dynamics)

  • Organization and community participation / neighborhood and territorial collective processes
  • Population dynamics: Displacement, Networks and social fabric
  • Socio-cultural and collective needs. Managers

Distinguish between existing and new alternatives

Table 3 Proposed matrix for the exercise

  1. SESSION 3: Thursday 21st: Scenarios
Elaborating different scenarios
1. Within current conditions (status quo)
2. Ideal / Normative

  1. SESSION 4: Friday 22st: Final presentation
10.00 – 12.00 am Development of Strategies & Proposal
05.00 – 08.00 pm Final Presentation and discussion

Workshop Schedule
Table 4 Proposed scheduled

General Outcomes
  1. Identification of main findings and common ground from the multidimensional analysis of the territory and the proposed approach.
  2. Definition of action lines and strategies for growth management addressing to promote high quality, viable, equitable, productive, and sustainable development through the exploration of new roles and consensus in a public – community partnership.
  3. Public presentation

[1] Source: Plan de Desarrollo Local Comuna 8 2008 – 2018 p. 26